Prestige Pianos & Organs Yamaha Keyboard Club
The Yamaha Keyboard Club gives you access to our amazing Yamaha Experts and is a great way to meet like-minded music lovers. Discover more about your Yamaha instrument and get your questions answered. Let our Yamaha Experts advise you on the latest Yamaha Digital Pianos and Digital Keyboards that best suit you. Each club event goes for one hour.
Yamaha Keyboard Club Next event: REGISTRATION
Yamaha Keyboard Club
Each month there will be a different focus topic, these are
outlined below:
- APRIL: Playlists & Basic Registrations
- MAY: Chord Looper
- JUNE: Expansion Packs and Extra Data
- JULY: Keyboard Harmony
- AUGUST: App Connectivity
- SEPTEMBER: Advanced Registrations including Mixer
- OCTOBER: Recording MIDI and Audio - Notated Score
- NOVEMBER: Exploring Voices & Styles
- DECEMBER: Karaoke Fun